Here at Yapp Brothers we believe there is a strong affinity between art and wine and we have a long and proud history of commissioning original artwork to illustrate our annual list. This year our friend the artist David Chandler has excelled himself with a collection of images that really evoke our peregrinations across la france profonde over almost half a century.




David visited us here in Mere last spring and we rummaged through drawers of old wine labels and photographs looking for interesting source material. Eventually we alighted on Robin Yapp's extensive collection of vintage Michelin maps, that have the wonderful patina of age and use, and David had the novel idea of producing some collages. We then met up periodically to review progress and discuss what subjects might be appropriate for different sections of the list. Fortunately David is proficient at landscapes, animals and objects so there was plenty of variety to choose from. In many instances he has used the relevant sections of the maps to produce the accompanying image neatly aligning the geography with the featured wine.




We are absolutely delighted with the finished body of work and very much hope to exhibit it all locally in the near future. Hopefully we will cajole David into putting in an appearance and explaining his techniques which involve a lot of work on an iPad and no scissors or glue whatsoever.




We hope that you are as pleased with the end results as we are and if you have any friends that you think might enjoy the pictures too do let us know and we will happily send them a copy of our new 2017 list. It is surely destined to become a collectors' item and you might even be able to use it to navigate your way to some interesting wine country!


Yapp Brothers Wine List 2017


You can request a free copy of our 2017 wine list on our website here.
We have also posted a selection of the images that David created onto our Facebook page here.

