Pork Sausages with Roasted Pumpkin and Cavalo Nero

The clocks going back at the end of October symbolises a seasonal change which must be embraced and the pay off for shorter days and chillier weather is an abundance of warming local ingredients that look, smell and taste terrific.

pumpkin cavallo nero ingredients

Ingredients: (Serves 2 to 4 Adults).
Roasting Pumpkin x 1
Cavalo Nero x 200g
Dried Chillies
Olive oil
Pork Sausages x 4 (www.rye-bakery.com)

Wash, trim and de-seed the pumpkin and cut it into orange segment sized pieces for roasting.
Place the pumpkin in a roasting dish with 3-4 bulbs of garlic a tablespoon of oil and a generous pinch of dried chilli flakes.
Put the pricked pork sausages on top of the pumpkin and roast in a pre-heated oven at 200°C for an hour turning all the ingredients every 20 minutes.
Use the best sausages you can readily source - these Haye Farm Organic Cumberland sausages from my local bakery in Somerset were exceptionally good.
Whilst the sausages and pumpkin are cooking wash and trim the cavalo nero and boil briefly until tender then drain and 'refresh' with cold water.

pumpkin cavallo nero sausage

Serve with seasoning and English mustard. These quantities will serve 2 hungry adults or 4 well-fed ones.

This is a dish that calls for a full-bodied red wine – this month's peppery Fitou would be an ideal partner.

Bon appétit!

Jason Yapp

November Wines of the Month: £85.00 per case (of six bottles) delivered, saving £14.30 on list prices.