Adventures in Wine Podcast
"In what can only be described as a technological breakthrough for our bibulous pair, Jason and David zoom their way through their first socially distanced wine tasting, pulling off the unprecedented feat of opening the same white at the same time for a spot of synchronous sipping. The pandemic aside, with two woke sons on his quaranteam and climate change an ever pressing issue, vegan wines have been very much on Jason's mind. The good news is that most Yapp wines are vegan, the bad news is that many wine growers just haven't got around to labelling them as such. Two that have are Reh Kendermann and Fred Filliatreau. The former makes a fresh orchard fruit, easy-drinking Pinot Gris vom Kalkstein and the latter, a mineral yet fruitful, Château Fouquet Cabernet Franc, much loved by both Jason and David. And in another first for unprecedented times, neither has to share the bottle with other."



The series of 'Adventures in Wine' podcasts featuring Jason Yapp and David Chandler can be downloaded from the iTunes store here.